working to deadlines

I love deadlines. Without them, work just drags on. This post is being composed because of a deadline. I have 20 minutes to publish it, otherwise i’ve missed my own deadline.

Time travel prototype
Creative Commons License photo credit: hartboy

I’m hoping to blog for 260 days consecutively… and if i don’t publish this post within the next 20 minutes, i’ll fail (This will be post 103 by the way). Normally, i’m a lot more organised than this and i’ll have published posts well before my 11.59pm deadline but because i’m taking things easier these days, i find myself getting dangerously close to these deadlines.

There is nobody but myself applying pressure… i came up with the target, i set the deadlines so in a way, there is zero pressure on me in that i could miss a day and nobody would notice, or care. Even if they did, they can’t do anything about it – i’m not working for anyone or i don’t owe them anything…

But because it’s a personal target, failing to reach it also becomes personal. It’s very important that you set targets and hit them. As many as possible. Doesn’t matter how big or how small. I apply that same attitude when working on projects… take things one step at a time.

It’s extremely difficult to hit targets one after the other, day by day without fail, but secretly i know it’s not about the failing… it’s about the discipline and structure. That said, i never like failing at anything and because i’ve set down a goal in public, you guys are my motivation. I know for a fact there’ll be one or two waiting in the wings should i miss a day of blogging and i’m determined not to let you get that satisfaction 🙂

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