WordPress 2.7 is here!

WordPress 2.7 is now officially available to the general public. I’ve upgraded this site straight away as i’d been playing around with 2.7 BETA releases for the past few weeks. One problem you might encounter on upgrading is the removal of the wordpress dashboard if you’re using the admin dropdown menu plugin.

With 2.7, this plugin is basically now useless as wordpress has upgraded it’s admin / navigation panel to an acceptable standard. However, if you upgrade to 2.7, keeping that plugin activated will overwrite wordpress’ new panel. The old panel won’t be able to call the old panel (as it’s not there) so you’ll end up with no navigation panel whatsoever :mrgreen:

wordpress 2.7

Fortunately i know my way around wordpress so i could fix this problem myself… simply go to yoururl.com/wp-admin/plugins.php and that’ll take you to your plugins page. De-activate the admin drop down plugin and everything will be fine.

Upgrading to 2.7 is a must. It just makes things easier and that alone is a good enough reason to upgrade.

2 thoughts on “WordPress 2.7 is here!”

  1. I usually disable all plugins prior to upgrade, saves the effort of having to find the root of the plugin which causes conflict.

    But I have to agree, 2.7 has an amazing UI, you don’t know yourself as everything is so easier to navigate to.


  2. Ozh’s Admin Drop Down Menu Plugin is available for WordPress 2.7 also. Upgrade to its version 3.0 to check it out! Guess Plugin Developers are too fast nowdays. 😛

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