week of ‘real’ work ahead

These past couple of weeks (since i blogged about my skydive offer) i’ve been getting quite a few requests. I’ve lost count of the amount of logos i’ve designed, but that’s not how i earn my money – i had never banked on getting donations from logo designs…

Going down
Creative Commons License photo credit: Houston Marsh

What i had gambled on however was that some people would avail of the ‘cheap sites’ offer. At $99, that’s how i’d make my target of $1000. All going well, i should have taken in around $750 in total by this time next week.

Add it to the $200 gathered for last year’s competition, and it means i’ll not be far away from the $1000 target :mrgreen:

So it seems my ‘free logos’ plan has worked. It’s gotten me some publicity, some recommendations and eventually it’s ended up with several fairly large projects. I’m super busy at the minute and will be for the forseeable future.

In fact, looking at the work i’m getting at the minute and the amount of work my own projects need, it’s a good thing i’m not going away on a 2 or 3 week holiday 🙂 One thing i will be doing this summer though (and it’s virtually guaranteed now) – is going skydiving :mrgreen:

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