Twitter have officially teamed up with o2 to offer free twitter alerts. Any time you get a direct message on twitter, you’ll have that message sent to your phone via text message too.
Very handy and it’s free for all o2 customers, so you have nothing to lose by signing up!
O2 is the first carrier to launch Twitter SMS in Ireland so, if you are a lucky O2 Ireland customer send “START” to 51210 and either sign up for Twitter or activate your phone with your current Twitter username. Also, be sure to check out all of the cool commands we support.
Whilst SMS seems like stone age technology compared with the real time world of twitter, it is the email of the internet – it just won’t go away because it’s easy to use and everybody has a phone number.
If only Google would follow twitter’s lead and send out texts for free when you got an email 😉 That would be very handy…