Over the past few weeks, weeks and months, i’ve really started to open up to technology more. It can be summed up by my twitter account. Twitter, up until a few weeks ago, was just a ‘static, archived msn’ to me.
Now though, i’m really starting to see the value in twitter… i underestimated it. Getting followers and what not is a bonus – that’s not why i’m on twitter. The real value in twitter is being able to get an insight in to the lives of other tech enthusiasts.
Surround yourself with quality, and it can only rub off eventually… if you’re getting in to the minds and lives of people, you’re subconsciously taking it all in and learning from other people’s mistakes or success.
I’m following over 200 people now and will keep adding more… it means i’m getting a hell of a lot of updates and information almost on a 24/7 per minute basis but that’s what you call ‘learning’ on steroids.
I don’t take the view that twitter is a time waster, twitter is one of the best educational tools out there, especially if you’re in IT. All of the top tech blogs and bloggers will have a twitter account… so will most bloggers and IT enthusiasts.
For the average user, twitter also has plenty of other reasons to join. You can get instant updates from football matches, get latest bargain alerts, latest news from around the world…
If you’re following hundreds of people like me or just want to use twitter more, get some firefox addons and download thwirl or tweetdeck for your desktop. They save you having to go to the twitter website and allow you to send and receive updates from your desktop.