traffic up 250% and we’re just warming up

I made a last ditch attempt today to get a killer post published, but it would just have been too rushed if i were to put it up now. On a Friday, everyone is getting off school and work and generally relaxing or going out. Same on a Saturday and Sunday. On a Monday, people usually have plenty of work left over from the weekend so they don’t have much time online. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays are probably the best time to publish something for maximum exposure online.

I’m pretty sure there are studies and stats to back that up but i’m not going to bother looking for them as it makes sense anyway – i doubt you guys are gonna argue with it 🙂

Willow Road morning traffic
Creative Commons License photo credit: richardmasoner

Anyway, i have about 90% of one killer blog post complete and what i’m going to do is publish that on Monday. I’ll then publish a second killer blog post next Friday.

One topic is ‘Fonts’ the other is ‘Web Development’. It will be the first time this year that i’ve created blog posts designed deliberately to maximize traffic and viral effect. I do it every now and then but i’ve never published two in quick succession. It’ll be interesting to see what sort of traffic is generated next week.

In 2009 on this blog, so far, i’ve averaged 4000 unique visits per week or 570 unique visits per day. That’s up over 250% on 2008’s average of 1543 visits per week, 220 per day. So i don’t *need* to create killer blog posts to keep traffic moving in the right direction, but traffic means nothing really… quality and value is more important which is why i’m upping the game with these two killer posts.

The reason for the rise in traffic this year is quite simply my work ethic. I’m networking much more, learning much more, testing and trying things much more. I think my twitter account stats say it all… i ended 2008 with 40 followers, 21 friends. 7 weeks later, i’ve 755 followers and 1,605 friends :mrgreen:


Attack Attack Attack! It’s the only train of thought that keeps you moving forward.

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