Today, i had planned on vlogging as i realise i haven’t vlogged in about two weeks but honestly i’m just too busy. I recorded some video yesterday but didn’t get time to edit it and it’s the same today. Sometimes you get days like these, when time just seems to overtake you…
Stop what you’re doing
The only reason why i’m blogging now is because it’s one of these things i’ve convinced myself i ‘must’ do. If i wasn’t in the habit of blogging daily, i can guarantee you today would be one of those days where i don’t blog. Maybe that would be a smart move but i know that blogging daily and in times of pressure and time constraints can be very beneficial. It teaches me to think of the spot and write on the spot plus i can end up designing images or publishing a post that gets a huge amount of traffic or provides a huge amount of value to people, even though it may just have been whipped up in 5 minutes.
The dissertation i’m doing is the main reason for this sudden ‘lack of time’ feeling. I’ve been told it’s all a load of rubbish and i need to start it from scratch. Well, it’s not quite that bad and it wasn’t put to me like that but i know myself time is closing in. I’ve about 2 weeks until the half way point yet i’m only about 10% of the way through it, so over the next 2 weeks or so i really need to dedicate more time to my dissertation.
Ironically, the more in to it i get, the more fascinating the whole concept of CRM becomes and i am finding out loads of interesting information and getting some great examples. Experiment results are also extremely interesting. So i’ve definitely got passion for this area and i understand it well but in terms of structure and bullet points, headings, chapters etc… it’s a bit all over the place at the minute.
In fairness i’d worried if it wasn’t because that’s just my style of writing. For me, writing is like an art and what’s most important for me is that it flows well and reads well. That’s half the battle. If i enjoy writing, i’ll keep writing. If i have to stop and think, then analyse every sentence and insert references etc… that just slows down my train of thought and i feel like i’m getting nowhere.
I’ve already written two pages since i came home today and i hope to add much more tomorrow along with some proper structure. Blogging will be under threat from now until May, no doubt about it. All of my online work will be. Which is massively frustrating because i question the value of the work i’m doing but at the same time i must do it to pick up a degree.
Close call
I’ll do my best not to let college win though. It’s 11.45pm now and i started this blog post 15 minutes ago which is very late for me. But as usual, it’s published on time and at first glance, it’s ‘just another daily blog post’. It’s all of these rushed designs and hurried blog posts which keep the ball rolling and encourage me to think & write daily which as i always say is a positive thing.