I’ve had this current blog theme on this blog for a year now.
It’s SEO friendly, plain, simple, but very effective. You get sick of looking at the same thing day in day out though… i’m sure you guys feel the same. I feel it’s time to jazz things up a bit and follow the likes of Shoemoney, John Chow, ProBlogger and Tyler in re-designing my blog, making it more pleasing on the eye.
No way am i paying $500+ for a blog design 🙄 I’m not made of money here! But i’ll see what i can manage with a budget of about $100. I have a bit of cash built up now in my paypal account from my monthly earnings so i’ll re-invest that in this blog.
The main problem i have with the current theme is the sidebar – it’s not enough space… with more and more widgets and links and crap on the go, it’s getting to the stage where the sidebar is becoming cluttered with too much crap.
The page width is also set at about 50%, so i’ll open that out to about 75% and instantly have a bit more breathing space to accomodate the headers, sidebar plus the main body of text.
I’m toying with the idea of getting a logo done up, but i’ll have to put more thought into that. I’m VERY fussy about design and looks so this could turn out to be a very long and expensive process
Whatever the case, i’ll be making changes around here – hopefully to coincide with my 1 year anniversary as a blogger on this blog (Nov 12th), so watch this space 😉
What type of logo were you looking to get? Anything you’ve seen that you like?
Also, any commentary on the registration of personal .ie’s in Ireland ? Are you going to get one…
yeah i’ve a half completed draft on .ie’s, so expect a post on that over the next few days…
at the minute, i’m talking to a designer that’s caught my eye, so i’m trying to get a logo from him..
any recommendations on a wordpress designer?!
Here is a site I came across a few minutes ago. There is some neat stuff there http://milo.peety-passion.com/milo/themes/
Unfortunately, I don’t know of any WP designers but I do like Brian Gardner’s Revolution Theme.
Incidentally, any updates on your N95 use since you’ve been using it for quite a while now. I just got myself an N800 internet tablet and I have to say it’s a superb piece of kit and it’s something I’d imagine you are the ideal candidate for. I use it mainly for internet radio and some email during the day and also media streaming of movies and mp3’s from my home pc!
nice link becky, some fine designs there..
i’ve my heart set a custom built theme though, we’ll see how i get on.
the tricky part is trying to get world class design on a shoestring budget 😎
http://www.cooltext.com is a pretty cool free site where you can create a logo easily. Just thought you might be interested.
yeah the n800’s res/screen looks the business… much more suited to browsing than my n95.
but apart from that, the n95 kick’s it’s ass feature wise imo. I’m not a fan of touchscreen phones, mainly because i have big fingers and it’s all too fiddly for my liking.
the 5mp cam on the n95 has come in really handy for me, as has the GPS at times so i wouldn’t swap it for anything atm.
i guess i should dedicate a blog post to the n95 soon and how i’m getting on..
thanks Tom, that’s a pretty nice boomark to have 😈
but i’ve already committed to a custom designed logo with a top designer, so i’ll see what he can come up with…