tie has arrived

I said on Friday there’d be war if my tie didn’t arrive as DHL quite blatently tried to pull the wool over my eyes by pulling the old ‘delivery attempted, you weren’t home’ prank. Eventually the tie arrived, but too late for my Christmas party 🙁 Anyway, here’s a few pics..

Of course there was someone at home on both days they decided to do that. Plus there were no attempted delivery notes or phone calls, so i knew they were acting the bollox.

Anyway, today i got a call from a delivery man looking for the house 🙄 I thought they attempted delivery twice already, so surely they knew where the house was 😎

Anyway, i didn’t go mad or say anything… i came to my senses and thought – it’s only a tie FFS, no point in getting worked up over it. I also didn’t have to pay any VAT or custom fee’s so *shhhhh* 😉 It’s peak time for delivery men, so maybe i should cut them some slack. I may send in a polite letter/email of complaint though when i get a chance because they were quite clearly in the wrong/trying to mislead me/give me false information.

The reality is, i should have gotten the tie Thursday. It came from the States to England, to Dublin in 49 hours, but spent over 4 days in Dublin before it reached me. Typical Irish relaxed attitude. If this was Germany or America, i would have gotten it Thursday. That’s one thing i hate about Ireland – the leave it ’til the last minute attitude.

You only have to go to a football match to see it… Croke Park – a 75,000 seater stadium will be 1/4 full 10 minutes to kick off. A few minutes after kick-off, it will be full. More so than drinking – being late or leaving it to the last minute is what seperates us Irish from the rest of the world imo.

2 thoughts on “tie has arrived”

  1. ha, yeah well i had intended to, but my gf told me to wise up – it’s only a tie and it’s christmas – what do you expect?

    so i blame the gf 😎 another irish trait – blaming everyone but yourself :mrgreen:

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