revamped… has undergone major cosmetic surgery, well… transplants as well 😀

it’s got:

  • new logo
  • new forum
  • new features
  • new design
  • new favicon
  • new content management system
  • new and improved SEO strategies.

I hired a nice chap to do the work for me and we switched from plain html to a web 2.0 looking site powered by joomla. It took a bit of getting used to, but i’m quite fond of joomla now.

I’m not going to advertise it much as i want it to go viral rather than me forcing the issue and appearing desperate. Very strange tactics you might think, but i’m confident that the site will spread once the content starts to build up and the forum gets active. With regular content and posts from myself, i can hopefully sneak on to google frontpage for the main search terms and obtain traffic organically. With the new-look site, i believe it WILL be a success, but it may take 2 years to start snowballing, simply due to the fact that my market is small and reluctant to search for such sites.

2 years from now, I expect to be a thriving community with an army of notes and homework material. Over the next few months though, i have to keep a cool head and keep building content and forum posts…

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