Yesterday i heard about this firefox add on on twitter. Before i get in to talking about the add on, i want to bow to twitter’s mightyness. I’m now following over 750 people from professors in IT to NASA employees, Google workers right down to the average student or tech enthusiast like myself. I don’t add people without checking out their bio and tweets – if i do it’s by mistake and i’ll delete them if they’re too noisy. It’s a tough task trying to keep up with 750 lives but tweetdeck makes it easier.
My thinking behind adding all of these guys is that if i can surround myself with people who are world class in their chosen field, i can learn what tools they’re using, who they’re connecting with, how they’re connecting, what they’re talking about etc… that can only rub off on me after a while.
ANYWAY…. Ubiquity is a firefox labs extension which is changing the way i browse the web (and i’ve only been using it for a day). It’s technology that excites me and helps make my life easier. Here’s a video explaining what it is and how it works.
In summary, Ubiquity reduces the need to ‘copy / paste’ and the need to open new tabs and windows within a browser to get new information. It mashes up gmail, flickr, ebay, google gmaps etc.. and displays information in a nice AJAX window – reducing clutter on your desktop. Watch that above video, download the add on and get using this thing – it’s gonna change the way you browse and this is what the future of browsing looks like.