Paying for music is something a lot of us have never done and will never do. Spotify has come closest to tempting me but it just seems like a waste of money to me. Pre-internet, i can remember buying a handful of cd’s and recording the rest from radio to tapes or from TV to VHS…
500,000 youtube views for cork penguin
I called it ‘viral’ at 45,000 views and watched it go from strength to strength. Now, at over 500,000 views, my penguin video has surpassed all expectations. From reddit frontpage to comedy central, the video has earned itself 1,479 likes, 1,032 favourites and sparked 322 comments…
nicely fluked, now repeat it…
A couple of days ago i was saying how that penguin video is now my most viewed video on my youtube channel with over 9,000 views. Right now, it has over 45,000 views…
busy getting things done
I haven’t been blogging for the past few days but i’ve been busy. These days i’m working on starting up a business and in an office at least 3 days a week (working on starting up that business). When i’m not there i’m working at the same stuff at home. When i’m not at home or in that office, i’m thinking of working at home or being in that office… you get the idea… working 25/7…
another wave of video uploads
As i write this i’m uploading another half a dozen or so videos to my youtube. These videos are from my trip to Croatia & Bosnia Herzegovina back in May…