The day before the leaving cert is traditionally our busiest day of the year on How busy? Well, as we found out on tuesday, busy enough to crash the server it was hosted on…
activity equals traffic
Greater activity on a site means more traffic, right? I’d say that’s the case for the majority of websites. More content = more traffic. New design = longer time spent on site, increased page views. As users of websites we don’t like to log on to the same site twice and see nothing new. The reason we re-visit a site is to get new information…
traffic just keeps going up
Today i checked in on’s January stats and to my surprise it’s been our 2nd best month on record. It seems like site just keeps growing and growing and i still feel i can do a lot more with it, i just can’t quite give it the time it needs at the minute…
persistence pays off
For the past 4 years or so i’ve been working on and off on The difference between it any my others projects is that it’s always been on and off. Not on and then off, off, off…
leaving cert traffic
The leaving cert is now officially over for all students. Search for anything related to ‘leaving cert’ terms and you’ll find at least one of our sites right up at the top of google 🙂 June is our busiest month on and every year just keeps getting busier and busier…