A while back I took a look at supermarkets in Ireland on social media. I then compared the top 25 Irish hotels on social media. Now, I’ve turned my attention to car brands in Ireland…
Social media
Social Media Comparison of the Top 25 Hotels in Ireland
I looked at Supermarkets earlier in the week and then moved my attention to hotels. I took the top 25 Irish hotels on Tripadvisor and compared some of their Facebook & Twitter stats…
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will patience pay off for Google+?
Google+ is now over two years old. They can spin the numbers whatever way they like but the reality is it has so far failed to make a dent in the social space – that’s my opinion. But it’s changing slowly… getting people signed up wasn’t really an achievement – it was inevitable Google would get hundreds of millions of people signed up… all they had to do was push Google+ out and merge it with all your other Google stuff. That’s exactly what Google have done and are doing these days in an increasingly aggressive manner…
why i’m back to blogging
It’s been half a year since my last blog post so i’m under pressure to explain my absence. I’ll leave that for another day though as i don’t want this post turning in to a novel… instead, i’ll focus on why i’m back and what motivated me to revamp the blog…
Social Networking is Broken
I never thought i’d say it but i’m getting a little bored of social media. Average content gets over-shared, automated ‘content’ gets shared whether we like it or not and businesses are becoming predictable in their marketing efforts online… It’s a real problem for the internet as a whole. It’s losing its value as a ‘community’.