I never thought i’d say it but i’m getting a little bored of social media. Average content gets over-shared, automated ‘content’ gets shared whether we like it or not and businesses are becoming predictable in their marketing efforts online… It’s a real problem for the internet as a whole. It’s losing its value as a ‘community’.
same problems over and over…
Last winter, there was a salt shortage and airports were forced to close. The excuse? ‘Unprecedented’ cold weather. This winter? Exact same problems… Airports shut. Media loving it. People sleeping on floors. Passengers complaining about lack of information. It’s so predictable i could start writing the script for next winter. Swap winter with ‘radar failure’ or ‘terrorist alert’ and it’s the exact same problem… lack of communication and preparation.
wrestling with problems
Although i don’t like coding, i do like hacking and editing small bits of code to get something working. When it comes to writing things from scratch… forget about it. Whilst i have the ideas, i don’t have the speed or skills to write fluenty in any programming language. photo credit: niftyken But i know … Read morewrestling with problems
broadband problems
Broadband speed is not something you’ll hear me moan about too often. I’ve a 2mb connection, which was supposed to be upgraded to 3mb’s a few month ago if i recall correctly. Anyway, for some reason there was more upgrading going on over the past few days. It has resulted in dialup speeds and WORSE … Read morebroadband problems