I’ve never considered myself a designer… i can design in the sense i can visualise things, pull them together in photoshop and ‘hack’ stuff to make it fit. I also have a great appreciation for design but i don’t think it’s enough to call myself a designer. The problem is, people with no appreciation for design, are only too eager call themselves designers..
10 year anniversary, flying lesson & new years eve
You’d be forgiven for thinking i’m starting to neglect this blog. You’d be forgiven because you’d be right 🙂 Posts are starting to get scattered. One today, one the day after, one whenever it suits as opposed to one a day without fail. That trademark consistency has disintegrated. But that doesn’t mean i stop thinking, doing or writing…
why don’t you vlog?
I’ve been signed up to youtube for almost 5 years now but it’s very rare that i upload videos of any kind… why is that? why haven’t i vlogged up until now? why do so few of us vlog?…