more changes to this blog

I’ve already seen the benefits of what a portfolio can do for you, so i’ve decided to improve this blog even further… photo credit: crjr2003 Over the coming days / weeks, i’ll be adding; ‘popular posts’ section new ‘design’ page – to showcase any design work i do more consistency with style links (some are … Read moremore changes to this blog

Ronaldo going to Madrid for £80m

Cristiano Ronaldo will become the most expensive player in history later this month when moves to Madrid for £80. That’s €93m and for my american readers, over $131m. photo credit: azote It’s insane money, especially in these times. As valuable as Ronaldo is to Utd, he’s not worth £80m – no player is. They’re wise … Read moreRonaldo going to Madrid for £80m

thumbs up for

Like a lot of people, is one of the sites i’ll regularly check out before i book a hotel anywhere. Usually, i’ll look at for hotels on certain dates, then i’ll shortlist some hotels and use tripadvisor to do some research on them. If the hotels look good, i’ll then set about trying … Read morethumbs up for