Paying for music is something a lot of us have never done and will never do. Spotify has come closest to tempting me but it just seems like a waste of money to me. Pre-internet, i can remember buying a handful of cd’s and recording the rest from radio to tapes or from TV to VHS…
apple changes music again
Here’s what i said in December 2010… “It’s in Apple’s best interests to give people the option of a cloud based music service. The day will come when music moves to the clouds, just like everything else. I don’t think we’re ready for it yet, i don’t think the technology is mature enough, but if you look at the time span between vinyl, tape, cd, mp3, ipod it’s getting narrower and narrower as times goes on…”
where to find free music for youtube videos
Copyright. A pain in the ass for anyone that published stuff online. An evil set of laws which keep layers in business, encourage greed and prevent further innovation. It’s designed to remove risk and fear from the mind of the creator but by removing risk and fear you remove a huge chunk of what keeps us motivated to create in the first place. Of course that’s the cynical way of looking at copyright and like it or not, it’s here to stay. Music is no exception…
New Sony Qriocity Music Streaming Service
Sony launched their new ‘Qriocity‘ service today in the UK & Ireland. This comes fresh on the heels on eircom’s MusicHub and it’s an indication of what is to come – music streaming war. If i said Eircom’s MusicHub will fail, i have no choice but to say this will also fail. Again, i’m very comfortable making that prediction. I believe there’s more chance of it failing than succeeding and Sony’s latest offering makes Eircom look good…
get in to the grooveshark
I’d heard of services like grooveshark, spotify & pandora before and i did go through a phase which didn’t last long but yesterday something led me to grooveshark, i started using it and fell in love with it…