For the past two days now i’ve been teaching myself ‘Objective C’ – Apple’s programming language of choice which is the stuff behind all their apps…
things we can learn from the apprentice
Like a lot of people, i like to laugh and pick holes in wannabe apprentices & their tactics on ‘the apprentice‘. It’s entertainment. Same with dragon’s den. All of us think we can do better and are quick to rubbish participants and their ideas from the comfort of our chairs and sofas. Remote control in one hand, tea in the other…
if at first you don’t succeed…
You’re a failure. Failure is acceptable though provided it’s part of overall progress and success. In fact, i believe failing is more beneficial to me personally than passing when it comes to exams. It makes me work harder and think harder 2nd time around, so obviously i’m much better prepared…
absorbing like a sponge
I think i first started becoming an information junkie when i seen the list for the irish blog awards. So many new blogs (to me), so much information… so many of those bloggers on twitter. Subscribing via RSS is what i would normally do but then my RSS reader was starting to get out of … Read moreabsorbing like a sponge
we need more hours in a day
Attitude is probably the only thing that stops me from doing anything. Whether it’s a new site, a project, an assignment…. if the attitude is wrong, you can see that from the end result. It’s extremely difficult to maintain a high work rate for any sustained period of time – my heart says i’m capable … Read morewe need more hours in a day