How to make an interactive serverless slack app with NodeJS, AWS Lambda & API Gateway

An easy way to start a fight is to ask a bunch of developers which team communication platform is best. People can spend a large chunk of their time using it so the stakes can be quite high. Using one platform over another can be the difference between no change in workflow -v- a steep … Read moreHow to make an interactive serverless slack app with NodeJS, AWS Lambda & API Gateway

How to get the start and end time of every month between two dates

So you can get a list of daily values from an endpoint and maybe you can even specify ‘to’ and ‘from’ times to get values in between certain dates. Fantastic. But what you *really* want to do is group data by months. How do you do it? This is a problem I ran in to … Read moreHow to get the start and end time of every month between two dates

How to determine whether a time is the start of a day in vanilla javascript

Let’s say you have an endpoint returning the hourly prices for gold. But you don’t want to display hourly values, you want to only display the value at the start of a new day (i.e. at midnight). How do you go about it? This was a problem I faced working on a project and I … Read moreHow to determine whether a time is the start of a day in vanilla javascript