here’s what i thought about the original iPhone 6 years ago…

original iphone birthday

The great thing about publishing your thoughts / life online over a long period of time is that you can look back and judge yourself with the benefit of hindsight. Exactly 6 years ago, almost to the day, the iPhone was launched in the US and i gave my thoughts on it…

Read morehere’s what i thought about the original iPhone 6 years ago…

The problem with Apple Maps is that it’s not Google Maps

apple maps

I grew up thinking a vacuum cleaner was called a ‘hoover’ and to ‘hoover’ something meant to suck it up off the ground using a ‘hoover’. I still call it a hoover, most British / Irish people do and everyone knows what I mean. But it’s not a hoover. It’s a vacuum cleaner. A hoover is simply a brand of vacuum cleaner…

Read moreThe problem with Apple Maps is that it’s not Google Maps