Facebook’s Graph Search is probably the future of search, in its infancy. It’s been released for over a year now and it’s probably one of Facebook’s most useful features although you’ll never really hear or see much about it…
Facebook Security Features
I think I’ve had my Facebook account compromised once over the years. That was an unrecognised login from Brazil which at the time Facebook alerted me to. This was before the days of most of their account security features…
Comparison of Irish Supermarkets on Facebook
I thought it would be interesting to compare the reach of Irish supermarkets (well, supermarkets *in Ireland*) on Facebook in a bid to understand why their stuff always seems to end up on my wall, even if i’m not a fan of them myself…
the end is nigh (for facebook anyway)
There was a time in the early 2000’s where spam was becoming a threat to email… you had to filter through lots of spam to get to genuine emails… the time spent filtering was greater than the time spent reading & responding to genuine emails. Gmail came along and used technology to solve the problem, rescuing email and restoring it’s value… the problem with Facebook today is that it’s headed down the same path…
will patience pay off for Google+?
Google+ is now over two years old. They can spin the numbers whatever way they like but the reality is it has so far failed to make a dent in the social space – that’s my opinion. But it’s changing slowly… getting people signed up wasn’t really an achievement – it was inevitable Google would get hundreds of millions of people signed up… all they had to do was push Google+ out and merge it with all your other Google stuff. That’s exactly what Google have done and are doing these days in an increasingly aggressive manner…