Although i complain about college exams and not liking certain subjects, things could be much worse… i could be doing the leaving cert, again. Although this will be of scant consolation to the leaving cert class of 2011 at this very moment, in my view things get easier once you get out of that exam hall for the last time in mid-june…
it’s over.
Two words which can breed both fear and relief. For me, it’s ‘relief’ in this case. I’ve just finished up with my last exam, i know i’ve passed them all and i know that’s another big educational milestone complete…
2 exams remaining
This week, i’ve sat 3 exams which means i’ve just 2 left. They’ve gone reasonably well so far. I’ve done more than enough to pass and i reckon i’m on course for a 2.1. I just have to keep that trend up for 4 more hours…
grade potential -v- grade reality
Over the years i’ve heard several teachers and lecturers talk about how somebody is a certain grade e.g. a B student or should be getting 70%+. When it comes to exams, that’s what they’re expected to get. So they’re boxed in to a certain category before an exam is sat which i always found strange…
cheating in college exams
Does it happen? Sure it does. It happens in any kind of exams. People can be lazy or nervous and they’re guaranteed to come from all sorts of different backgrounds with varying degrees of pressure & expectation on them, so i’d go so far as to say it’s ‘normal’ to come across cheating on the law of averages in any large group… just look at society as a whole. Government. Builders. Bankers. The kind of people that cut corners for short term self gain. Of course not all of them but since about 2008, they’re all usually tarred with the same brush.