In December 2011, Eircom MusicHub launched. That same week i blogged about why it would fail. I outlined the reasons why i thought it wouldn’t work and was met with some criticism in the comments… i defended my position in the comments although plenty of people were quick to rubbish my points. Today, Eircom have announced the termination of MusicHub and this day reminds me of a scene from Father Ted…
why is my broadband running smoothly?
Customers only tend to complain when something goes wrong. The rest of the time, we take most things for granted e.g. Electricity, Water, Gmail, Facebook (the essentials in life)… what i’ve noticed recently though is that i haven’t published any broadband related blog posts… why? Because i’ve had no problems… everything is running suspiciously well…
why eircom music hub will fail
Earlier in the week, eircom launched music hub, their answer to music piracy approved by the IRMA (record labels). You can stream music for free, if you’re an eircom customer. Or, you can buy & download music. €5.99 for 15 tracks or €12.99 for 40 tracks. Users of all other ISPs get shafted…
speed and consistency at last
For the past several months, my home broadband has been plagued with speed & consistency problems. Worse than dial-up speed one minute, 7mb the next. Peak times were the real killer…
eircom FAIL
Eircom (Ireland’s largest ISP) have yet again crumbled this evening following another DOS attack. This has happened not once, not twice, not three times, but now 4 TIMES in the last 6 weeks alone. photo credit: The CBI On September 1st, Eircom blocked – the first site ever blocked / censored by an Irish … Read moreeircom FAIL