Today i woke up to windows vibrating and rain pouring down… i then drove through semi flooded roads whilst conscious of the fact there were gusty winds waiting to sweep me aside should i want to speed up. Whilst tucked up in my cosy car i was dreading the inevitable… having to get out of it and walk through the rain to my destination…
clever driving
I’ve spoken before about using the full circle of a roundabout to bypass traffic but that’s not the only trick i use to keep me moving smoothly and safely…
New Car!
Just over 4 years ago, i was getting ready to sit my leaving cert exams and i bought my first car. A 2000 renault megane hatchback. Now, that car is 10 years old and past it’s sell by date. Not the sort of car i can rely on to complete a 70 mile round trip to college every day. That said, ironically, it never let me down getting to or from college over the last 3 years…
how to legally skip traffic queues
It took me 30 minutes exactly just to drive out of college today. IDIOT drivers blocking up yellow boxes and traffic light junctions were to blame. Normally i’m pretty patient but traffic lights had changed green 3 times and we still hadn’t moved… so i ended up driving the whole way around the town just … Read morehow to legally skip traffic queues