It’s been half a year since my last blog post so i’m under pressure to explain my absence. I’ll leave that for another day though as i don’t want this post turning in to a novel… instead, i’ll focus on why i’m back and what motivated me to revamp the blog…
back to word joining
So for the past several weeks i’ve kind of fallen victim to what i always said i fall victim to one day – not blogging… but whatever about missing a day here and there, one day becomes two and two becomes three and before you know it it’s been a month without a blog post and you start to question whether to post or not. Writing though makes me work harder, fact. I’m not going to try to prove it but trust me, it does 🙂
back in the blogging routine
This is now my 8th consecutive daily blog post. It’s nothing compared to my last run of 1 year+ but the last time i put together 8 consecutive posts was in February / March. Over 3 months ago. I’m happy i’ve finally managed to get back in to a routine though…
April 2011 Review
April got off to a bad start, i was sick for a full weekend in amongst weeks which were packed with exams and assignments, not to mention ‘dissertation’…
blog post #2000
4 years, 5 months and 3 days ago i started blogging. This is now blog post number 2,000 and it will edge my word count towards 700,000. If i were to print & bind this blog like my dissertation, it would probably consist of about 1500 pages (double sided print) and cost about €400…