status = away

sayonara suckers

Tomorrow night i won’t be sitting down and blogging, like i do routinely every day. Instead, i’ll be trying to get some sleep for a long day of travelling on Wednesday, starting with a 2am drive to Dublin airport for a 6.30am flight to Paris…

Week ahead in Paris

From Paris airport it’s on to our hotel in disneyland which is about another 2 hour drive from Beauvais airport (by bus). We’ll probably arrive at the hotel before lunchtime and if we’re lucky get checked in and can crash for a few hours, or if we’re not feeling tired we’ll probably head to Disneyland and use up one of our 3 days tickets there. Either way it’s gonna be a long day and the last thing i want to do is set out on a long boring drive to Dublin airport with little or no sleep, so tomorrow i intend on getting to bed early.

Back on Sunday

I’ll be staying in Paris for 4 nights, which means i’ll be back on Sunday. Late Sunday evening to be precise, about 11pm. That means i won’t get home until the early hours of Monday morning so it will probably be this day next week by the time you hear from me again. However, i *should* have more than enough content to make up for my absenteeism.

Cork, Kerry or both

Once i get back on Sunday, i’ll definitely maybe be heading to Cork, Kerry or possibly both… undecided but i’ve got verbal agreement from the powers that be that we can head south next week so more on that when, or indeed if i get back. Let’s not make assumptions 🙂

p.s. the design is big and bold and not at all how i feel but it’s definitely how i think other people feel when heading away 🙂 As a child we can’t see past a holiday and we don’t even think about life after the holiday, back to normality… that generally means (a) we enjoy the holiday more (b) we enjoy the holiday more 🙂 It’s probably the one advantage of being a child when on holiday.

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