It’s taken a while, but Google have finally integrated ‘real time’ to their search results. At the minute, it appears to be extremely popular terms that return have real time results. ‘Tiger woods’, ‘x factor’ etc… basically hot news items.
I’m not sure if google plan on having real time results on the frontpage for all search terms. If they do, it’s going to have a massive impact on SEO and spam for starters. Businesses know they need to get on twitter & facebook and embrace technology at this stage – if they don’t their competition will happily keep cashing in 😉
I’ve spoken before about twitter spam and how it’s a huge problem. If google just pull data from twitter and facebook without any filters, this will be heaven for hackers and spammers. A few sales pages behind tiny url’s, automate posting to twitter & facebook accounts using key terms (which are hot / trending topics) and not only will you have traffic coming in from twitter searches, but there’ll be a whole new level coming in from google searches which could pose a major problem for real time search.
No doubt google aren’t as slow as i fear though… i’d be suprised to see spam turning up in google’s real time results, but we’ll have to wait and see. Anyway, for more on all of this check out Mashable or Techcrunch.
hey Sean, try and find @having on google no result 😛