This morning had a couple of hours free in college so i decided to start work on a new / updated portfolio section. To my horror, i discovered i have 12 sites that aren’t listed in my portfolio that i’ve worked on over the last year or so. Time for an update…
There’s already 26 websites listed under my portfolio, so i’m not short on experience or variety. Of course it’s not all positive… putting on my Simon Cowell hat i can question my focus. Why not just work on one site and take on no work, and focus purely on that one site? Sounds sensible and easy, but it’s not.
However i am moving slowly in that direction. I’m focusing more on building quality rather than building for the sake of building. It’s always a delicate balancing act though… i’m the best manager of myself and to me, work rate is most important. It’s no good focusing on one site if in doing so it lowers my work rate and enthusiasm.
I feel that if i can maintain and protect my work rate, i can’t criticize myself. There are worse ways of spending time than building up a huge portfolio Even if you just look at the 60 images or so i’ve designed to go along with posts over the past while, they all came about because i was bored one day and decided to challenge myself.
photo credit: TangYauHoong
I could easily have played the PS3 for an hour a day rather than design images but i’d have nothing to show. Now, i have 60+ custom designed images that i can stick in a portfolio. Plus i’ve improved my skills, speed, resources etc… that’s just one example of how boredom turns in to productivity and i do it constantly without even realizing it… just like this morning. I could easily have driven in to town from college or played a few games on facebook but i ended up focusing on my portfolio…
Exciting? No.. but it kept my brain in gear… facebook games would have killed it… focusing on one project would kill it. That’s right now however… no doubt as i grow older and wiser, i’ll work less yet be more productive.