Portfolio building

As part of a college module assignment i had to touch on portfolio / experience / achievements in IT which got me thinking…

I started a portfolio section on this blog last year but haven’t really updated it. There’s actually quite a bit of stuff i don’t have listed under my portfolio section from logos, to random designs to fully completed websites for clients.

portfolio building

It really is something i must look at and think hard about when i’m redesigning this site. Getting myself in to the routine of adding something to my portfolio on a daily basis would be very beneficial down the line.

Even if it’s just a quick 2 minute sketch of circles and squares, it will get me using photoshop & get me thinking. I’ve already proven i have the discipline to blog daily but if i could come up with a custom design daily, that would really strengthen this blog and my own design skills.

It’s not easy though… anyone can write and anyone can design but not everyone has the time to do both. This is the simple formula to success for this blog;

  • Unique Blog Post + Unique Design = Happy readers

However this is what it translates in to in the real world;

  • 1 hour + 30 minutes = A hell of a lot of time every day for little / no reward

So i’ve a lot to think about and i’m doing it out loud, but i’m pretty confident it will all help improve smemon.com in the long run…

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