over 15000 drivers, driving 12 years and more without a full license…

This was brought to my attention on boards.ie and the full article is on independant.ie.


There are 15,239 drivers in Ireland that are on their SIXTH or more provisional license. 😯

So that’s 15,239 people who’ve been driving over 12 years and never passed a test. This is either due to laziness, inability to drive or taking advantage of loopholes in the law.

A loophole in the system means those with a provisional driving licence only have to apply for a test in order to renew their licence, but they don’t have to sit it. So you can simply apply for a test at a cost of €30 or something, and then cancel it once it comes around. You lose the €30, but it’s worth it as you have a valid license.

A provisional license here means you can drive on your own and the gardai will turn a blind eye to it as they can’t fine you or put points on your license. So for example, at a routine checkpoint, they may check your license and if it is a provisional and you have no qualified driver with you, it is technically breaking the law but as it’s not a punishable offence, all they can do is give you a verbal warning at most which obviously doesn’t have the same effect as 3 points on your license or an on the spot fine.

So these 15,000+ drivers will continue to milk the system until the government slam the fist down on driving in this country and tackle it head on.

So 15000 people have been driving at least 10 years more than me and they’re still on a provisional license 🙄 This country is mad.

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