This recap is a bit late due to the fact i’ve not been felling well these past few days and weeks…. November was a big month for me. I had to complete a 30 minute video for a college project. Due to the fact it was me and me alone with full control over the video editing, i just knew it had to be as close to perfection as i could possible get it.
The finished product looks pretty slick and it’s already been presented and was very well received.
That has been a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. The time gone in to that project is frightening and although it’s meant late nights a lot of pressure, the end product was delivered on time and to a high standard – i can’t ask for any more of myself and neither can others.
The second big project of November was an SEO competition. I choose early on to put my neck on the line and talk myself up and that strategy worked as it forced me in to working hard on and in the end i came second overall – a great result for my first SEO competition against some pro’s and stern opposition.
It’s toughened my SEO skills up and leaves me with a knowledge of SEO most developers and admins don’t have – that’s a big advantage when it comes to building sites and building long term organic traffic. I am of course disappointed not to have got 1st spot – i always will be no matter what it’s in, but as i said yesterday, not finishing first is sometimes a good thing, certainly for my style of motivation anyway. It makes you hungrier and more determined next time around.
Revenue wise, the blog earned nothing, but we did manage to flip that project site and my share of the cash ($500) came through early in the month. I was delighted with that and it’s still reserved for BeerChief – something i said would see movement this month. Well, there has been movement but nothing of note.
With a study week lying ahead for me next week, it’ll give me time to;
- recover from two weeks where i’ve not been feeling great. Tired, burned out, flu, long dark days, projects, exams… it’s all very depressing and this week off will come at a great time for me.
- work on BeerChief – almost there now, i just have to remain upbeat and attack it.
- clean up my computer – this video project has hit my filing structure like an atomic bomb. My desktop has over 150 icons on it at the minute. My 500gig hard drive now contains over 200gigs of project related video/audio/project files. It’s a mess and i have to get it back on track and backup the important stuff.
- actually study and prepare for exams. About 55% of my final marks rest on these exams, so it’s important i take nothing for granted this this time.
Nursing myself back to full fitness is priority. I don’t know what i have, but i know it’s not normal and not just your average cold or flu. I am gradually getting better, but at a snails pace.