new 32″ lcd & ps3

Yesterday, a new 250GB PS3 slim arrived in the post. Today, a Full HD 32″ Samsung LCD followed me home from Dundalk. They’re the latest editions to my family of high tech ‘stuff’.



I’d ordered the PS3 on amazon late on Monday night (28th). It was dispatched on Tuesday (29th), using the free shipping option (which should take 4/5 working days). It arrived yesterday morning (31st) which meant it was delivered about 60 hours after i’d ordered it. Top notch service from amazon – normally you pay extra for that sort of speed. Perhaps it’s just a sign of the times though – there may be less traffic than anticipated flowing through the postal services this Christmas.

Anyway, believe it or not i haven’t actually plugged it in yet although it’s been sitting in my room all day yesterday & all day today. I’ve just been too busy. Wedding yesterday, i was away all day today and i’ll be in Dublin tomorrow & Sunday too :mrgreen: Things will settle down next week though and i’ll get stuck in to more work.

I bought the TV today in Currys, Dundalk. Would have saved about €10-20 buying it in the North, but it wasn’t worth it. If i could have bought it cheaper online from anywhere in europe i would have done, but having searched and searched i had no option but to physically go in to a shop and pick it up myself. There’s definitely a market for an online retailer who deliver large TV’s to irish addresses at reasonable prices. If only amazon would lift their delivery restrictions on larger items to Ireland….

Anyway, here’s how my set up looks at present. Eventually i’ll mount the TV on the wall using a swivel & tilt bracket. I also hope to clean up all the cables & wires and create a clutter-free, modern, impressive work space.

the office

And here’s my wallet after getting this stuff. Notice the emptiness 🙂

tv leaves me broke

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