more changes to this blog

I’ve already seen the benefits of what a portfolio can do for you, so i’ve decided to improve this blog even further…

Improv 112407 (7)
Creative Commons License photo credit: crjr2003

Over the coming days / weeks, i’ll be adding;

  • ‘popular posts’ section
  • new ‘design’ page – to showcase any design work i do
  • more consistency with style links (some are black, some white etc…)
  • updated advertise page
  • better search facility

I’ll also try to add some sort of organization to my existing logo and current projects pages because they’re gonna quickly become one long scroll fest :mrgreen:

So far, things have gone well for me since i added my new portfolio section. I launched that free logo offer and i’ve completed several logos, but i’ve also got several larger, paid jobs out of it.

I’ll keep that offer running, but to give you an indication of how well it’s worked, i started off needing $800 for my charity skydive. By the end of the week i should need $0 :mrgreen: I’m killing several birds with the one stone…

Firstly, i’m getting some much needed cash. Without that, no skydive. Secondly, i’m learning and improving all the time when it comes to design and development work. Thirdly, i’m doing work for a really wide range of people and once all is said and done, that will look great on my portfolio.

Come september, i should also be able to add a video/pictures of my skydive to my portfolio too :mrgreen: So at the minute i’m working hard and once i start back in college, i want to be in a position where i have a pretty meaty portfolio built up along with experience in design, development, promotion etc..

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