Month off for Christmas

I know it’s too early to be talking about Christmas, but i can’t wait for it to come as i’ll have a nice long month off from college – not that college is particularly tough or draining 😛

I have 2 exams on the 19th & 20th December 9.15am -11.15am.The rest of my subjects/modules will all have been completed by then as they’re all continuous assessment.

The week before, i have the full week off to ‘study’ for those subjects which i’d ace blindfolded anyway. So really i get the guts of 5 weeks off 😉

After that, it’s freedom until the 21st of January :mrgreen:

We really do have it too easy as students. But i’ll just create my own work 😈

This gives me a full month of sleep ins and late nights… plus it will free up an awful lot of time for me to do a bit of wheeling and dealing on the internet.

Hopefully by that stage my team of sites will have matured into established niche sites and i can flog them one by one, re-investing the cash in bigger projects.

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