For the past 2 and a half years, blogging has become a daily routine for me. If you go through my archives, you’ll see i don’t take much time off from blogging 😉
Usually there’ll be a reason behind my absence too – most likely i’ll be away overnight somewhere and/or without internet access / a PC…
You can tell a lot about people from their blog (well i can anyway), and that sort of consistency of posting and commitment suggests i’m extremely organized and driven.
Writing daily, in such depth too is tough when you’re not getting paid to do it. I won’t just post a video or a few one line sentences to keep my post ratio up – 99% of my posts will be exactly like this one. Long rambles 😉
So why bother? I’m not getting paid, nobody is pressureizing me to blog daily. Well, the benefits of blogging are there for all to see… a blog is a CV, it’s a meeting place, it’s a networking tool, it’s many other things.
In order to keep blogging on a daily basis i need to pressure myself and drive myself – i am my own boss. The best way to do that is to get in to routine and i think i’ve done it at this stage 😉
I’ll probably spend about an hour or more (on average) on each post i publish. It’s hugely time consuming. There are days when i struggle to write or find things to write about, but i’ll still churn out posts without anyone ever knowing. The trick is to carry on, at all costs.
If you want to blog daily, do it. Don’t think about doing it, don’t give up when you miss a day, don’t give up when you can’t think of anything to write. Punish yourself if you don’t blog or can’t think of anything to write. Force yourself to stay up all night until you publish that post. Bottom line is – if you commit yourself, commit fully or not at all – it’s the only way you’ll ever be able to keep up any sort of consistency.
The reason this site and this blog is still going strong (and is my biggest thus far) is because it’s treated as no.1 in my eyes. Every other project and site can fail, but if this blog fails or goes backwards, that means i fail and go backwards to – because the blog is an extension of me – it’s too important for me to let die. It’s much easier to take a back seat, browse the web and read blogs like this one rather than create and grow your own, but why waste your time reading and browsing other people’s blogs when you could be investing that time in your own – something which is much more productive, and something you’ll have to show for your time spent online.
Nobody wants to see ‘heavy internet browser’ on CV. A blogger, with your own website looks a million times better. If you’re online every day, there’s no reason why you can’t come back to me in 2 and a half years with a blog like this one, or bigger. Where will this blog be in another 2 and a half years? It’ll still be going strong and approximately twice as big as it is now (in terms of content).