Just in Time

My girlfriend wants an ipod for christmas..

Not the ipod touch or classic (thank god, my wallet is happy!), but an ipod nano (the new, fat little video one). Mainly due to the size. But this is of course great for me too because it’s the cheapest of the lot.


Normally it costs €149 for silver, and €199 for any other colour. On Friday gone, for friday only, apple had a sale on until midnight. I got a silver ipod nano with free laser engraving for €138 delivered. So i saved €11 :mrgreen:

I just stumbled upon this deal 10 minutes before midnight!! So the race was on to register an account, order the ipod and fill in my card details 😆 Thankfully i got the order submitted in time, but it was simply a case of being in the right place at the right time. I saved €11 so i’m happy 🙂

Casually browsing about online can actually pay off 😈

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