Well, i’ve only recently started posting on digital point forums, basically THE place to go for advice, tips, info etc… on all things website related.
Today alone, i’ve had several pm’s (at least 5 or 6) complimenting JPEGr‘s script and design. I never get tired of compliments 😉
Anyway, i’ve had offers and enquires about buying JPEGr‘s script which is strange as it’s fairly basic. I’ve had to turn down them all…
Basically, a 100% custom built, designed and unique site is very rare nowadays. JPEGr is just that at the minute. So i could probably sell the script 10-20 times @ $10 each, say a return of $200. That would be very nice indeed…
However when i go to sell the site later in life, the first question that people will ask is ‘is the script original, has it been sold etc…’ An exclusive script is far more attractive and valuable than a common script, for obvious reasons. Therefore i’m reluctant to sell any part of JPEGr as i feel it will hurt it’s value when i try to sell it.
So for the foreseeable future, JPEGr and all of its content is not for sale. I’ll stand firm on that, even if it means passing up a few $$ 🙁