January 09 Stats for smemon.com

January 09 was smemon.com’s best month so far, bar the great spike of July last summer.


In total, 18,989 visits racking up 22,112 pageviews. It also means the blog’s traffic has grown for four consecutive months now – the longest period of sustained growth thus far.

A whopping 13,561 visits came from stumbleupon and the vast majority to this post. That page has now been served up over 70,000 times with a ‘time on page’ average of over 2 minutes – meaning people have spent a combined 2333 hours or 97 days reading that one post :mrgreen:


This month, forgetting about the stumble traffic, here’s where the rest came from.

  • Direct type in traffic made up 2,493 visits
  • Google traffic made up 2,156
  • Twitter, a new entrant to the referral charts, with 114

I also started using twitter much more in January… followers have gone up from 40 to 200+, friends have gone from 21 to 400+ and i’ve added the guts of 150 status updates in January – average of 5 per day. I’m late in to the twitter game but i’m making up for lost time 😉

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