i’m getting mobile broadband

There have been one or two occasions this summer that i’ve found myself needing broadband (well, internet access). On buses is one example. In airports another…

Now i’ve spent about a total of 8 hours on buses this summer and probably 2 or 3 in Dublin Airport so that’s nothing really… but it’s still a good 10 hours where i could have been doing something constructive.

Goin' mobile!
Creative Commons License photo credit: Kofoed

Broadband has also been knocked off at home at least 3 times this summer for several hours at a time so i had no backup… then take the situation at college last year…. i don’t want a repeat of that this year as it will cripple my work rate again.

Anyway, word on the street is that o2 will be offering mobile broadband for €9.99/month to students from september onwards. It’s €20 to everyone else. So do i think mobile broadband is worth €9.99 per month? Yes. I understand they’re still offering this thanks to HEAnet (it was €13/month last year).

It will offer me piece of mind plus keep me entertained when i’m on the move 🙂 A download allowance of 10gb is nothing for some people but for me, at college and when on the move, all i do is send emails or browse the web… work on my websites… i can’t see myself pushing 10GB.

I’m well aware of the problems a lot of people face with mobile broadband – dodgy signals, dodgy modems, poor speeds etc… from doing a little research it’s pretty clear that o2 come out on top.

I *should* be able to use it at home and in college (my two ‘bases’ for most of the year) but just in case, i’ll probably buy a signal booster and try to extend the range should i need it. So from next month on, no matter where i am, i’ll be able to get online…

It’s a comforting thought :smile:m

2 thoughts on “i’m getting mobile broadband”

  1. For 10 a month it’s definitely worth having as a back up and when you’re on the move. I just bought a pay as you go 3 mobile dongle for the UK and it’s allowed me to get online 24/7 where I’m staying in Liverpool. The dongle was free with an NC10 I bought in Argos and it’s £10 for 1Gig. Not the best deal in the world but I’m over here for the week and I’m willing to pay £10 to get online.

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