You’re a failure. Failure is acceptable though provided it’s part of overall progress and success. In fact, i believe failing is more beneficial to me personally than passing when it comes to exams. It makes me work harder and think harder 2nd time around, so obviously i’m much better prepared…
A couple of weeks ago i took and failed a google analytics exam. On Tuesday, i started my 2nd exam and i have until Sunday to complete it. Will i pass it? Yes. I’m not the sort of person that will fail once and brush it off as ‘that’s life’ or ‘better luck next time’. I’ll up my work rate because i know that failing twice isn’t acceptable…
Failing once isn’t acceptable either to me, but it happens… you just have to get on with it and adopt the same ‘failure isn’t an option’ mentality next time around. Dreaming of failure is probably the best source of inspiration or motivation but these days we’re not really built to think like that.
Being able to respect and accept failure though is a huge part of learning… probably the most important. Nobody is able to maintain flawless reputations these days… people see through it and realise that not documenting failures is a weakness, not a strength some people see it as.
But being able to deal with failure and set backs along with success is about as flawless as it gets. People admire success stories but they have greater admiration for those rags to riches stories. Down and out one minute, top of the world the next.
Anyway, i’ll have this exam completed by tomorrow and i’m confident i’ll pass it this time around… i see repeat exams as a chance for ‘revenge’. Revenge for what? I don’t really know, it sounds like i take it all too seriously but it works for me, so i’ll stick with that mentality. At the end of the day the goal is to pass an exam, so how i achieve that goal will be irrelevant afterwards.