Hectic 7 days ahead

This Monday, we’ll be officially presenting our video presentation as part of a group project. That leaves me with just 3 days to finish it and polish it up. Not much time at all but then again i know i’ll get it done when i’m under that sort of pressure – it forces me in to working on it.

Once it’s presented, i’ll upload it to youtube and also in HD to vimeo or viddler. A huge amount of work has gone in to this not just from me, but from the others in the group aswell in terms of acting / filming etc… Anyway, that’s task no.1

I then have a javascript project to be completed by Wednesday. This is a nightmare – no other way to describe it. It’s a 3 page site involving validation, cookies & date functions. I understand the basics of javascript and this assignment is helping me to learn more but it’s highly unlikely that i’ll get this finished on time and working. I’m not too worried though as i’ve already picked up 28% out of 35% so far in another exam, meaning i just need 12% out of 65% to pass. Not a problem, just frustrating as i know i *could* get this done were it not for the fact i’ll be spending most of my time on my video presentation 😉

I then have a networking exam on Wednesday which involves setting up and configuring a cisco router, plus i’ve got a few smaller assignments which have to be submitted by the end of the week.

On Monday, the former head of software engineering in NASA (Prof Mike Hinchey) will be giving a talk on complex computer systems in the college so i’ll have to try and catch that too and take in as much as possible.

So a busy week next week and a very busy weekend for me this coming weekend. Video editing is a real pain but then again i’ve learned a great deal from it over the past couple of months so i can’t really complain too much – it’ll stand to me in the future.

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