Geansai Gorm News

You know that SEO contest i was talking about a couple of days ago? Well i’ve been busy working on a new site for it called Geansai Gorm News (

I’ve found a nice theme, stripped it down a bit and i’m slowly beginning to optimize it for google. Unlike a lot of the sites that i suspect will be taking part in this, i’m hoping to keep this one going and turn it in to a novelty / WTF? type blog.

Geansai Gorm News will feature random news about anyone wearing a ‘geansai gorm‘ (blue jumper). Check out the about Geansai Gorm page for more 😉 I’ve got all of November to play with this one and hopefully i’ll be able to turn it in to a top 3 site by the deadline.

I’m not sure who else is entering this, but i’ve seen plenty of buzz around forums and blogs so i’m sure there’ll be plenty of interest. I’ll be happy with a top 3 finish as this is my first ever SEO competition, but then again, there’s no reason why i can’t fend off the rest for no.1 spot 😈

It will be a lot of work – that’s the problem, but i’ll do my best to keep it going for as long as possible!

2 thoughts on “Geansai Gorm News”

  1. Just a tip off. Your keywords are supposed to be as Gaeilge according to the rules. I don’t want to see you being disqualified! Particularly one who can whizz off a professional looking blog in hours and with a network of sites you’ll likely to be a front runner.

  2. hmm… how i understand it is that keywords in english are grand, but they won’t count for anything as it’s only keywords in irish that count…

    “Keywords as gaeilge instead of english but copy can be in English”

    What that implies is that the winner will be the highest ranked ‘geansai gorm’ site, but the site’s content can be written in english… so long as the domain isn’t in irish, it’s valid?

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