full throttle tomorrow

I’ll be putting my server through it’s paces tomorrow in what i hope will turn out to be another killer post. The post is now fully complete and it’s titled ’18 free font resources’. It’ll be going out tomorrow as soon as i get home from college – about 6.30pm GMT. It’s taken quite some time to put together, but the blog should reap the benefits in the long run.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Vern Norrgard

I had to take 18 screenshots, crop, uniform and optimize them all – that eat up most of my time today. I’m expecting an explosion in traffic as soon as it’s published and the site could well go offline for a while if it’s anything like my last killer blog post 😉

There’ll be another one coming Friday and between the two, i’m hoping to prove to myself that i know how to get traffic and how to blog for traffic. I’ve never really sat down and said to you guys – “I WILL get traffic, now sit down and watch me do it” – that’s exactly what i’m saying this week.

I’ve done it with other things like SEO, exam results etc… i’ve the confidence to tell people, in advance, i will succeed. It’s risky tactics as you then set yourself up for a massive fall, but i work best under pressure and coming back and saying “I told you so” is a great feeling 😉

The blog itself is in need of updating, i realise that, i’m not happy with it. There’s too many pageloads, too much information on each page… i have big plans to transform it in to a leaner, meaner machine. It needs loads more AJAX, clever CSS tricks and the layout and overall navigation needs to be simplified.

Should these couple of posts do as well as i expect, they’ll probably give me the motivation to go ahead and start working on a new version.

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