Normally, i’d printscreen and edit a screenshot with ms paint 😳
That’s down to the fact i’ve never come across decent, free screencapture/editor software, it’s also down to the fact i’ve never really search for one
Anyway, with this blogging presentation coming up, i thought i better go and find one if i’m to ‘raise the bar’ so to speak, like i want to do..
So i found faststone capture, which i have to say is excellent for the price of it.. it is of course free 😆 Anyway, a picture is worth a thousands words as they say so here’s a snapshot of what it can do..
Check it out, download it, play about with it.. it’s a nice tool to have and you may not use it today or tomorrow, but i guarantee you, you’ll need it someday 😉
Thanks for the info.. keep it up. You are doing fine. 🙂
Downloaded and installed, found out it’s not free, only free trial after which you have to register for US$19.95. Little misleading
Yeah Bryan, unfortunately you have to pay for the latest version, but the older versions are still free to use permanently 😉 you can download the older, free versions here;