Everyone likes a freebie and i’m no different. So when i seen this thread on boards.ie for a free usb drive i got in early and ordered my free ‘Griffith College’ prospectus about 3 weeks ago 🙂
2 weeks ago, i got a big fat prospectus through the door with no usb key 😡 It went straight in the bin But today, they sent me out another brochure with a free 512mb usb key pictured below 😎
Score 😉
I also got a free newspaper today in college – must be my lucky day 🙂
thats good to get a 512mb for free, just filled in my details now so hopefully I’m lucky enough to receive one as well
Great blog, interesting idea you had for the skydive, hope you reach the 1k target.
thanks Caroline, i hope so too 🙂
Sean, I have sent you a separate contact form and decided to check out your blog. It is a nice clean blog and I quite like it. I intend Bookmarking it and visiting often and comment. In the meanwhile, I would appreciate an early reply. Thanks.
Still haven’t received mine, got the prospectus alright but no USB 🙁
email sent & thanks for your kind words 😉