I have to admire Graham Langdon.. he wasn’t happy settling for the $100k or so he earned from themilliondollarwiki…
Instead, he’s built up another potentially huge business on the back of mdw and has managed to tie himself in with the big guns of blogging; JC & Shoe. Hats off to that sort of driving, determined, ‘never happy’ attitude i say – it’s the best way to be.
I was never a huge fan of the mdw though.. don’t get me wrong, it was a great idea, one i’d be proud of… but the long term value for us, the readers/visitors? I didn’t see it and that’s why i never bought in to it, although i was mighty tempted by the spin created by Chow and Shoe.
Entrecard on the other hand, it has great potential, plus it’s free, so i’ve nothing to lose by signing up and using it.
It’s a nice little niche and pretty much every blogger/webmaster will use it if it continues to develop. Why? Because it’s literally a business card. It’s a way to get noticed. It helps get traffic and get yourself out there. That’s why i’ve signed up.
I’ll not go in to detail on how it works, but basically the more ads you display on your site, the more you can display your ads on others. You have the ability to accept/reject ads so the quality of outgoing links shouldn’t be an issue.
Here’s my Entrecard.
Sign up, check it out and use it. Anything that helps get traffic and connects you with like minded people/sites, without turning off regular readers, is good.
Cheers Sean,
I made an entrecard wordpress plugin to make it easier to use. Check it out here http://www.prelovac.com/vladimir/wordpress-plugins/entrecard-me
nice plugin vladimir, might be handy to those who don’t have widgetized themes…
but for me, all i had to do was copy/paste a line of code directly from entrecard so it was a pretty simple process anyway 😎