I’ve always been a fan of Entrecard, much more so than milliondollarwiki (Graham’s other project).
It seems the blogosphere shares my opinion, with Entrecard shooting up the the Alexa ladder and according to compete site analysis (which i find to be pretty accurate), over 30k unique visitors in the last 30 days.
Contrast those stats with milliondollarwiki‘s and you’ll see why Graham is trying to sell it 😉 (alexa rank going the wrong way, and compete stats showing 20k unique visitors for the past month).
Entrecard has sent me over 100 visitors in the last week or so, and that’s without me advertising on any blogs I’ve just spent all my credits on ads, which will be appearing on various blogs over the next week or so, so i’ll then be in a better position to measure how successful this thing really is.
But anything which gives me 100 unique hits for free, can only be good, right? So if you haven’t already jumped on the bandwagon, do so now as Entrecard is only going to get bigger and better 🙂
what do you say to other bloggers who are of the opinion that entre card does not really help and as a result are removing the widget from their blogs?