I arrived home from college to find these two packages waiting for me.
It was of course the 2 x 20 inch samsung pebble monitors i ordered as part of my new office revamp.
I was stunned by the quality of them. The colour/brightness/contrast is the first thing that stood out. Honestly, these things would blind you in a dark room, it’s lucky i already have glasses because if i didn’t, i sure would need them after a few months with these bad boys 😀
Unfortunately i can only hook them up one at a time at present so i can’t take full advantage of them. But no dead pixels, and all appears to be grand on the two of them 🙂
They also came with VGA and DVI cables which is handy.
My desk will be coming next week, i’ll follow that up tomorrow and then i just have to wait on my XPS which will pull all of this technology together 🙂
I found this post in google 30 mins ago, but was kept busy reading the rest of your blog during this time, so getting back to my original search, very interesting blog by the way.
How do you find the 20″ monitors after 2 months use, I’m looking to buy something similar.
The dual 20″ monitors are the business… if you’re even *thinking* about getting dual monitors – don’t – just get them!
You won’t regret it… for design, programming, word processing… even browsing the net it saves you so much time. Also check out a program called ‘ultramon’ – highly recommended.
Thanks for the reply, I’ve decided I’ll order them tomorrow, as I’ve been putting it off for so long. First time to hear of ultramon, just reading about it now, it looks v.good.