Don’t Regret it..


I took that picture now (present), but that picture is of the past. No picture is taken without a view to print in the future and in this case it was printed on this blog. And there you have it. Past, Present and Future all within a split second :mrgreen:

Quite often, you’ll only get one shot at that perfect image.

It’s unfortunate if you just missed out on that perfect shot and you’ll probably regret not hitting ‘snap’ sooner when you had the chance. Why didn’t you hit ‘snap’? – because you thought you’d get an even better picture later on. Now you’re left with nothing but regrets.

It’s the same with dreams, goals. Fail do follow your dreams or goals and you’re always wondering ‘what if’. For example, had i not given up my day job, id always be wondering what if i had made a killer website or come up with some new idea etc.. Now, i can’t do that, i can’t have any regrets.

I’ll never regret giving up work, because i wanted out, i wanted to follow my dreams. I would never have been happy to stay on. So going back to the whole camera metaphor thing, i’ve hit ‘snap’ and i’m now waiting for the print.

Had i never hit snap, or left it too late, i’d have regrets. Regrets are things you don’t want in your life.

Hope those words of wisdom fire a few people up or motivate them 🙂 The bottom line is – don’t wait, go for it. It may be the wrong decision, but you’ll not regret it and you’ll have peace of mind. If you believe you can succeed, prove it. The most successful people around are those that go for broke when they get an idea.

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